日落松菸綠鋼琴 #松山高中 #綠鋼琴 #手持攝影13分鐘
Calendar 3051年三月初五
卓俊宏 (1938) 2024-04-13 01:37:55 SAT




1. 描述
- 修習落日觀時,正身面向西方坐著,注視太陽即將沒落的地方。
- 觀察太陽的光相,形狀如同懸在空中的鼓面。
- 透過閉眼或開眼,專心觀想太陽落下的景象,使之明晰顯現在心中。

2. 方法
- 首先,實際觀察落日:正對西方,看那欲落的太陽,輪廓清楚,周圍發出五彩霞光,光線柔和,不刺眼。
- 看一會兒,然後閉上眼睛,讓剛剛所取之相——欲落太陽的影像在心中浮現。
- 天天這樣用功,直到閉眼和開眼時都能明明地觀想到落日景象,這就是初步成就落日觀了。

3. 意義
- 落日觀可作為「放下萬緣,養精蓄銳」的觀想意象,讓修行者更有機會善學「獨處:養氣凝神」的意義。


Paired with the beautiful music of the green piano, it can relax and relieve stress.

Yesterday evening I took a walk in the Songyan/Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, passing through the alley next to Songshan High School in Taipei City.

The sunset paired with the coconut trees was beautiful, so I stopped to take photos with my bare hands for more than 13 minutes, waiting for the sunset!

Sunset contemplation is a kind of spiritual practice visualization. Let’s take a closer look at it:

1. Description
- When practicing sunset meditation, sit facing the west and gaze at the place where the sun is about to set.
- Observe the light phase of the sun, which is shaped like a drum head suspended in the sky.
- By closing or opening your eyes, concentrate on visualizing the scene of the sun setting so that it appears clearly in your mind.

2. Method
- First, actually observe the setting sun: face the west and see the setting sun. It has a clear outline and colorful glow around it. The light is soft and not dazzling.
- Look at it for a while, then close your eyes and let the image of the setting sun emerge in your mind.
- Practice like this every day until you can clearly see the setting sun when you close your eyes and open your eyes. This is the initial achievement of sunset viewing.

3. Meaning
- The view of the setting sun can be used as a visual image to "let go of everything and recharge your energy", giving practitioners a better chance to learn the meaning of "solitude: nourishing the energy and concentration".

Through this kind of visualization, practitioners can develop inner peace and concentration, and remain calm and introspective in their daily lives.